Fluoride Treatments
Dental Fluoride Treatments in New Jersey
Fluoride Treatments and Why to Get Them
Dental fluoride treatment, together with dental sealants, is one of the best ways to keep you and your kids’ teeth healthy and free of cavities. Safe and effective fluoride treatments, especially when used in conjunction with dental sealants, can drastically reduce the incidence of tooth decay. Fluoride can prevent and even reverse early dental decay by strengthening the tooth’s enamel and making it more resistant to acid assaults from carbohydrates and plaque bacteria in the mouth.
Natural sources of fluoride include water, a variety of foods, the earth’s crust, and other locations. Fluoride is added to public water systems and toothpastes for both children and adults.
When and why we need fluoride?
In the 1930s, scientists found that those who had grown up with fluoridated water had roughly 66% fewer cavities than those who had not. Since then, studies have repeatedly shown that populations where water is fluoridated have lower rates of dental decay.
Because it acts as a protective shield against acid and can actually repair very minor cavities, fluoride is good for everyone. When bacteria feed on sweets, they produce acids that can cause damage to the teeth and gums. Enamel, the strong, protective outer coating of teeth, is dissolved by the acid. Demineralization and remineralization are everyday, naturally occurring processes that cause and replenish mineral loss and gain in the enamel layer of teeth. Demineralization occurs when acid destroys the enamel, and remineralization occurs when we consume water or food containing phosphates, calcium, and fluoride (all of which strengthen teeth). Too much demineralization without enough remineralization to rebuild enamel leads to cavities and deterioration.